2009/2010: Snow!

  1. 22 December 2009
  2. 7 January 2009

22 December 2009

Snow fell all afternoon, and into the evening Monday 21 December 2009. The following day I took the camera out as the sun tried to break through the clouds.

This is more snow than I had (but see below) previously experienced here in Basingstoke.

Snow weighing heavily on trees

Snow weighing heavily on trees

That snowman is not hiding very well

That snowman is not hiding very well.

The sun finally begins to break through

The sun finally begins to break through.

Little twigs with lots of snow on them
Enough snow to cause the branches to significant bow down and reduce space to walk along this path

Enough snow to cause the branches to significant bow down and reduce space to walk along this path.

Trying to catch the brief flashes of sunlight coming through the clouds

7 January 2010

Snow fell from Tuesday evening, all through Wednesday until pretty much twenty four hours since it started. This left something like eight inches of soft snow. Except where it has been compressed (car tracks, feet) and started to turn to ice.

So what seemed record snow a fortnight ago, suddenly doesn't seem so much anymore.

At least today was sunny, unfortunately it was colder, not breaking 0°C.

View through a window at lunch time

View through a window at lunch time.

Not your normal avenue of trees
Just how much snow can rest on the smallest of branches?
Nice collection of icicles

Nice collection of icicles.

Snow making all look clean (briefly)
Trying the effect of looking into the sun
Even within a day, where the Sun falls, the melt starts
Traffic runs slowly amongst the snow covered trees
Interesting textures when looking up

Looking straight up.

Snow rests along some bits of the twigs, but not others
Icicle from my balcony. Just before knocking it off to avoid overloading the guttering

Icicle from my balcony. Just before knocking it off to avoid overloading the guttering.